Obama delivers inspirational speech

It is a true turning point in the nation. A mixed race man speaking to a throng of people, in a country of a past in slavery, replying "Obama...Obama...Obama."
Obama is a talented speaker. He is quite amazing.
In a word, Obama was filled with "hope," while Clinton was filled with "fear."
In my opinion, it is over.
Barak Obama has won the presidency.
While he has not even been nominated, Obama looks and sounds and is better.
It is over.
The proof is in the pudding. The scene behind Obama was great.
The scene behind Clinton, Edwards and Huckabee, and many others was "old school."
It is time for something new. Once again, I love Obama.
He commands such elegance and poise and love.
"They said this day would never come."
"They said, 'our sights were set too high."
"They said that our country was too divided to come together."
I believe him.
He says "I know how hard it is."
I believe him.
He reminds me of Martin Luther King.
He really does.
Hope is not blind optimism.
It is not ignoring things.
It is not sitting on the sidelines.
It is the thing inside of us that insists that there is something better.
A Father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas.
Hope is the bedrock of this nation.
While I love Huckabee, and agree most closely with his theology, I think that
Obama may make a better leader, a better uniter, and a greater statement of grace to this torn nation.
Not only this, I think Obama is a great picture of the face of our world.
The United States is no longer a place for white people to rule, but a place to live out our faith, and to love those who are in our midst.
The only reason he is better than Huckabee, is that he can unite this country in a way that no other can.