Urban Ministry is my passion

Written by Dean, a ministry coordinator in Denver, Colorado
Read more about Dean at this location:
Driving through Obama's neighborhood
I flew into Chicago Midway partly to save money on my way to spend a few days with one of our partners in Grand Rapids. I've driven down Cicero and 55th Ave many times on this South Side of Chicago, but never one week after an historic national election.
As you might imagine, dark blue Obama yard signs were everywhere along the city streets. Most of them were next to apartment low income housing that had no grass growing in the postage stamp sized yards. I was driving through the hood that sent a community organizer to the highest office in the country. As we say, "some good came out of the hood"
Along the way I had to reflect that here we have a President who understands the poor and disenfranchised like none other. He walked everyday along these row houses and projects. He sat in hard wooden chairs at countless community meetings in deteriorating schools watching five gallon buckets slowly fill up from leaks in the roof like the ones I was driving by. Everyday he saw the tall poles with blue lights indicating emergency call boxes on nearly every corner. He saw the corner liquor stores and crack houses more numerous than churches. He saw and worked in a part of America that few of us ever see. We talk about "drive by" shootings and it scars us to death so when it comes to the inner city, we just "drive by". (But that's another subject for another blog).
But my point is, we now have a President who didn't just "drive by". He has seen it as few of us have. He grew up in it, single mom, racial diversity, discrimination, never knew his dad, searching for identity. It's been a very long time since any President was forged in that kind of furnace. And I think it will serve him well.
Cause there's one common denominator between the white house and wall street, between capitol hill and Chicago sidewalks, it's the hustle. I think this President has some good "street smarts". He can see and smell a "hustle" a mile away. And let's face it, we've got a bunch of politicians on both sides that have been hustled for too long. Let's hope Obama can break that down and clean it up.
My hope is that he will take what he has seen and experienced on the South Side to the South Lawn of the White House. When he wakes up in that place and palace of power, he will be reminded of all those dark blue yard signs that represent so much hope and dreams. My prayer is that he will not stray from these roots. Some criticized him for his lack of experience. But they haven't driven down Cicero or 55th Ave.
And to my friends who are still struggling to support our President, here's one suggestion. Hop a plane to Midway. Drive around that community for awhile as I did. I think what you see and experience might be an eye opener. In fact, you can do that this summer.
(OK, here's my cheap commercial. We have urban ministry partners on the South Side of Chicago. Bring a group on one of our www.cityconnexx.org custom designed urban missions trips and see what our new President saw. Serve in the City - "Come & See")
I admire a man that can come out of this hood and see a new vision to bring a lot of good to our nation. That's my hope and prayer. Will you join me?