Vice Presidential Debate

When we look back at this debate, if we ever do, I think we will be amazed at what we read on the transcript. When I was a chaplain at a hospital we had to create "verbatims," of our conversations with people, with patients, and with staff members. Our goal was to improve our conversations, our interactions, and our presence with the people who we ministered to and with. I must say, that as I look at the debate tonight, I am struck by the words that came out of their mouths.
Palin may be very appealing to look at, but the words that came from her mouth seemed to be disjointed? Am I the only one that felt this way? I felt as if she was being mechanically operated from an external source. I loved her when she got a bit folksy, but, most of the time I felt like she was one of those 12th graders that comes into school on the morning to take their test and kinda regurgitates everything that they have crammed into their brains. I am afraid Sarah Palin is at a big disadvantage here. She just does not have much information about her topic of discussion. Joe Biden, on the other hand, was somewhat magical in the way he tied together stories, made clear points, and directly answered questions. He was eloguent, at times almost making me want to cry. I would say that Palin was the opposite of eloquent, sort of "rehearsed," more than anything else. It is kind of ironic for a woman that seemed so uncomfortable in her own shoes to be the same candidate that panders to being "like" everyone one else. Who is she like again? I am uncomfortable with her discomfort with herself in this situation. I like her hair, sure, and I like her glasses, and I like her heart even. I think she has a good heart. But I do not like hearing a conglomeration of information coming from her mouth that seems clogged, dismembered, and disjointed. I cannot vote for a person that lacks a connection running between their heart and their head. By this time, at this level, her life and her politics must be more integrated, or else, I am afraid I do not trust it. The thing I noticed most with Gov. Palin was that her answers generally were acceptable, but she acted as though she was reading from a script, i.e. her answers often had nothing to do with the question she was asked, and she just recited talking points.Palin said nothing concrete. She couldn't produce any evidence and avoided answering questions that she struggled with. I think Biden won the debate hands down. Gov. Palin describes herself as a "straight talker." I think she is. She does not talk with people, she talks To people. She did not answer questions. She gave promos. I am discouraged by that tactic. I find it disengenuous and I thikn Joe Biden deserves a big fat cookie for his performance tonight.