Peter Milner, Senate Chaplain
This was a picture I took of myself as I headed from Raleigh, NC to Winston-Salem, NC after my first day of prayer in the Senate
. I was going to Winston to support my Executive Director at StepUp Ministry, Steve Swayne. Steve was speaking with my uncle at a local gathering of high school principals. They were talking about leadership. That day I felt like a newborn baby, headed into a world of the unknown, embraced by Christ, and truly bouncing off the walls inside of myself. It was one of those days that I felt I might explode. I was on "cloud 9," in reality. It was such a beautiful day and I am glad that I have this picture that truly captures the radiance of my inner joy in the Lord. And yes, mom, I was driving. And yes, Anna, I was driving. Sorry! I just had to do it. It was worth it.