Get used to him, and start praying for him.

Please take the time to pray for Barak. He needs it. We all need it.
He will be the highest political authority in our land, and he needs all the help we can give him. I will be so glad when this campaign is over and we can start mending our deep cultural wounds. Pray for him church, he is a great man.

Finally, as I searched the web for a picture of Obama, there were many feeds that said that Obama was the "2nd coming of Christ."
If you believe this, I wonder what kind of Christ you follow. Who is your Jesus? Is Jesus someone that you can manipulate? Friends, Obama is a man. When Jesus comes back, we will know it. Friends, while we would like to domesticate the Lord, and we always have, lets give up on this game. Friends, Obama is a great man, but he is no Jesus. Don't try to out Jesus Jesus!!!
Lastly, for Barak, a prayer.
Lord, Jesus Christ, come down and rest with this gentle giant of a man, heavenly father. Come down, from heaven, and sit with this man. Revive his spirits when he is low, and sift through his thoughts when he is fitigued. We ask, through your son Jesus Christ, that you would guard the heart of Barak mostly dear Lord. Grant his family security and peace. Grant his presidency a clear conscience. While there are many things that I want him to say and do, Lord Jesus, make him an instrument of your peace, not our desires. Mostly, Father, remind him that your Son Jesus has died for His sins. Remind him that your son Jesus is proud of him, not because he is the future president, but because he is your child. Lord, Jesus, remind Barak that he, most of all, is not the 2nd coming. Please Lord, keep away the devil from his mind, his heart, and his ego. Guard him from pride, and guard him, through your Holy Spirit, from all of the deception of the evil one. And it for Christ's sake that we ask all these things.