This is something NEW

Something NEW will happen tonight in America. What does the word NEW mean?
New!!! New!!! We really can't get our heads around that word. We think we know what NEW is. Tomorrow will be a NEW day. And so, what does it mean that "In Christ we are NEW?" Well, I do not know. We are new. A baby is something new. A letter in the mail is something new. The election results will be new. It simply means that it has never existed before. Newness is something new. It was never. Now it is.
But these metaphors only begin to tell the story. Having been in the hospital several times, struggling with this illness here, and that illness there, I know how it feels to be made NEW. Something new is not always just something made from scratch, so to say. Something can be made new, even though it has been around for a while. A house, for instance, can get a serious renovation.
When I was in the hospital once, I had a blood clot in my brain. I could barely walk. I lost my senses. Ten days later, after medicine, and relief, I felt NEW.

Tonight we will elect our first black man into the seat of highest authority.
That is amazing. The highest authority ( in human terms) and just 80 years ago most homes had servants of the same skin color. Wow!!! Are you kidding me?
It is so incredibly exciting. I am thrilled. It will be an easy win for Obama.
Not only that, but it helps me get a picture of the NEW CREATION OF THE HEAVENS AND THE EARTH. When Jesus returns, it will make this exciting evening seem like gerbel food. It will make tonight look like a small cloud of smoke underneath the larger fireworks display in the sky. This election, if anything, taps into our deep need to HOPE. Yes, we need to hope. And yes, because I am in CHRIST, I can hope. I have true hope. Obama is an adombration of the future eschatalogical hope. It is so exciting.
And ironically, since Jesus was a political figure, this type of political crowning that will go on is a most clear picture of the future king.
Watch how it goes. Watch it. You will see small pictures, if you are a believer, of the future restoration of all things.
" The lion will lie with the lamb...and a little child shall lead them."
Praise the Lord for this day, and praise the Lord for breaking open the earth and pouring forth His grace upon us, to give us eternal life in Christ. May we all come to know that Jesus, the true King, is the reason to HOPE, the reason to celebrate, and that this win tonight, by Obama ( well, it is not official yet, but, I mean, come on!!!) is a mere foretaste of the joy that we will have when we get to heaven.
Praise God from whom all blessings flow. Praise Him all creatured here below. Praise Him above yeah heavenly host, Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.
Now, sing it aloud, and it will bring you joy. Rejoice, rejoice and be glad.