Devotion, Peter, devotion

I worked at Emanuel for a year. It was one of the best things I have ever done.
I was a chaplain.
My two best friends there were janitors. That was weird I thought.
One of the guys was named Patrick. We became friends.
We lifted weights every once in a while.
He would say, as I entered the hospital most mornings, "Devotion, Peter, devotion."
His joy in the Lord was contagious, and I miss him still.
This piece reminds me of Patrick,
“ One way to detect inordinate imagination is to try to locate to yourself what you expect God to do. One expectation you cannot have, and that is the expectation of successful service. When the Lord sent out the disciples on their first evangelical tour, they came back hilarious over their success - "Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through Thy name." That is all they thought about. Our Lord said, Don't rejoice in successful service, "but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven." We are not called to success but to faithfulness. We must be careful not to have the idea that we are put into God's show room. God never has museums. We are to have only one aim in life, and that is that the Son of God may be manifested, then all dictation to God will vanish. Our Lord never dictated to His Father, and we are not to dictate to God we are to submit our wills to Him so that He works through us what he wants." Oswald Chambers, Our Brilliant Heritage, "Habit of Rising to the Occasion"