The Second Worst Story in the Bible

I am literally in the middle of listening to a sermon on Judges 19.
If you remember, this is the story of the man who welcomes a stranger into his home.
The story seems sweet, until the town men, want to come have sex with the stranger.
That is right--sex.
The man offers his cuncubine and his daughter that is a virgin.
So--I would recommend this sermon to you.
The author is Rankin Wilbourne. It is a sermon on sin.
We think we understand sin, but Wilbourne tries to convince us that we are decieved.
Sin is a condition, a posture, a placement over and against God.
It is very natural. It is self decieving.
Wilbourne can be found at
I commend him to you.
Rankin suggests, "Only the Gospel gives us the freedom to confess along with King and Claiborne. But the Gospel also gives us the motivation to become, again and again, a people who are called to be sent as witnesses to the goodness of our God."
Peter Milner