The Third Jesus--by Deepak Chopra

I am afraid that the wealthy nation of America is buying the gibberish of Deepak Chopra. He is more of a celebrity than anything else. I like the guy. I met him once. He is very very kind. He has to be. His own theological system forces him to be nice, because there is not grace within this system. There is no judgment. I have not read the new book, THE THIRD JESUS. When I saw the title, I cringed.
Liberalism is alive and well. I think even Barak Obama, who I am voting for, would hate to read this stuff.
Unfortunately, Chopra’s Jesus is one that is far too common in the popular mind. He leaves the matter of our guilt untouched and simply tells us to be “better people.”
But this is not Jesus and this is no Christianity. Another religion, perhaps, but not Christianity. Chopra’s Jesus brings to mind the indictment issued by H. Richard Niebuhr against liberalism’s gospel in The Kingdom of God in America (1938): “A God without wrath brought men without sin into a Kingdom without judgment through the ministrations of a Christ without a Cross.”