Why it is important to be a missional church!

Most of my sentiments about church planting, and a missional approach to church life come from Tim Keller.
He is a wise man.
I am in a missional church--the AMIA.
These are some of his coments, and there will be more to come.
"A basic knowledge within the missional church is that it understands what it is like to not believe. This permeates every meeting.
We understand what it is like to not believe.
We understand why people do not like the church.
We understand why people wonder about suffering.
Non-Christians can be there and
Not be offended.
Not be offended about statements about homox, other religions
Instead of using sub cultural jargon, we are always in conversation within the base line cultural narratives.
We read the same magazines. We are in the same public square.
This has not an US, THEM mentality.
One of our church planters started a church in Berlin.
Young, secular people. Single. In the heart of Berlin.
This guy came back and gave a video.
She told the story of how she became a Christian.
He gave her a book.
She said "You cant be a Christian, you are just like me."
Christians are not like me.
But then I realized that you are a Christian and you are like me.
She saw that he had similar sensibilities.
He was concerned about the same questions in the world."
More later.