Coming back home after Winter Conference

Winter conference was blissful. I enjoyed running into friends, making new connections, and being reminded of my 1st love--Jesus Christ. As I have returned home I feel very peaceful. The tremndous power of the spirit of God is at work. Some very importrant things happened. I talked with Ben Sharpe about ordination. I met a guy named Ben that has formed a prayer service in Boston, Mass. This prayer service may end up being a church plant in the city of Boston. I also had the chance to hear the teaching of Thad Barnum on Collosians and Dan Claire, and Terry, a prayer warrior from Texas. Every time I come back, I feel refreshed, and re-alligned. I am now in such a better place than I was when I went to the conference. I am more relaxed about everything. Everything. I feel like the emphasis from the whole Conference was on community. Actually, that was what I took from it. Isolation is the great plague of modernity. But the power of the spirit of God wants to awaken and bless the person into the community of the beloved Son, King Jesus, God almighty. MOving from isolation, to community, has been the single largest blessing for me in the Christian life. To experience the power of God, and to allow God's power to rest "inside us." This is a grace.
Since I am tired, I am not making much sense. I do not know if I would make sense even if I was not tired. So, here we are, and here I go.