Thank you Jesus

Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
for eyes to see the trees, the sun light, the green grass, the dappled grey
Thank you Jesus
for thoughts, for deep thoughts, for a mind that is turned, outward, to the sun
Thank you Jesus
Thank you
Thank you
Thank you Jesus
for family, for my wife, for children, for Josie, for Silas, for grandchildren, for grandparents, for parents, for memories of parks, tennis, basketball, and charades at the beach.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus for music
Thank you Jesus for a 2nd chance
for Errol
for Owen
for Rose
for cooper
for Josie
for Silas
and on and on and on and on
Thank you Jesus for animals

Thank you Jesus
for the people
for the prayers
for the prophets
for the Thomas Mertons, the St. Francis', the Therese of Lisieux,

For Gordon Dalbey's, and the Wassily Kandinsky's of this world
Thank you for beauty
Thank you for beauty

Thank you for giving us a new vision of beauty
Thank you for rising our heads to see the beauty of your Father.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus for coming down to earth to stay a while with us.
Thank you for abiding with us.
Thank you for the legacy of Rev. Martin Luther King
and C.S. Lewis
and for the monks.
Thank you for helping me fall more and more love with you.
Our destiny is in you.