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Embracing the ground

And so I am back. It’s good. It’s really good. I hope the natural smile on my face says that to you! There is something healing about working for others. There is a place for digging in feet and digging in the earth. Also, it is really hard to lay in a bed, or, sit on a couch for 18 months. That was my playbook for over a year. Cancer tried to kill me. Cancer crept into all the dark spaces of my head, heart, and spirit.  And I think I am seeing what was hard about the creep. One of the difficulties of it is that it lacks variation. It tells a lie. I am a man that needs variation in my life. Just like the color wheel, there are different colors that come up every day in our lives. God didn’t create everything tethered in black or blue. No. We also have green. And yellow. When I sat on my bed and laid on my couch for over a year, due to cancer, there was something that went on inside of me that went to yellow. It makes me think of that old Coldplay song, Yellow. “It was all yellow,” ...

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