Confession and remission of sins
Tonight I confessed to my wife. I had been holding it in since Wednesday night.
I treated her poorly all weekend. In hind sight, I treated her poorly because I never had
confessed this sin that I had committed. While the sin was not directly related to her, since she is my spouse, it was related to her. It was most definately related to her.
Confession is so hard. Confession is so good. Confession is probably, in my opinion, one of the greatest witnesses to the power of the resurrection. In other words, there is no other world religion that so immenintly depends upon confession of sin. Since we all have problems, the confessional thus becomes one of the greatest means of grace we are offered by Christ and His church. As a protestant, I love confessing not simply to a priest ( although this is wonderful) but I also love confessing to my brother, my wife, my friends, and even my enemies.
Confession is one of the most radical gifts we have been given by the holy spirit.
Just listen to what St. John says about it in his 1st letter.
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
That is so good to hear. But, we do not believe it. At least, and let me speak for myself here, I rarely believe it.
But then John says, "If we say we have not sinned, then we make him a liar, and his word is not in us."
Wow. Boom. In other words, all have sinned. We simply have a choice. Do we confess, or do we play Christian and walk around with our wounds on the inside, ignoring the jet fuel created by the hiddenness of our turmoil.
Come out of hiding. I did. It makes you feel good. It reminds you of God's goodness and protection.
Do not keep your sin from others. That is why we go to church, to confess our sins, publically.
Look at this image of confession, and let it penetrate into your being, and make you run to the Father and bend your knee in penitence. For, as we know, He has first run out to us.