
Irenaeus says: "The Word of God, our Lord Jesus Christ who because of his limitless love became what we are in order to make us what even he himself is"[11]. Athanasius is more succinct: "Christ became human that humans might become divine."[12]
What is your opinion?
Participation in God is possible only through the Spirit of Christ, the Spirit of adoption.
And yet, is not worship-- at least the second part, the Eucharist, the celebration, or the invitation, a direct invitation from the bossom of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit asking us to enter into their very life.
We must look further at the connections of Christians around the globe.
Ed Rybarczyk, in his recent doctoral dissertation entitled, "Beyond Salvation: An Analysis of the Doctrine of Christian Transformation Comparing Eastern Orthodoxy with Classical Pentecostalism,"[95] argues that the common denominator between Eastern spirituality and Pentecostalism is mystical nature of both movements, although Pentecostal theology and spirituality is "only occassionally mystical".[96]
In the end, Luther says,"This despair and search for grace should not last only for an hour and then cease. Rather, all our work and words and thoughts as long as we live should be directed solely toward despairing of oneself and abiding in God’s grace, longing and yearning for it, as the prophet says in Ps. 42, "As a hart longs for flowing streams, so longs my soul for thee, O God." This yearning for God and yearning to be good is initiated by grace and it continues...." Martin Luther, LW 51:58.