
Prayer: defined
" A quality of attention that makes so much room for the given, that it appears as gift."
I like that definition.
Prayer: advice
"Pray as you can, not as you can't."
Prayer: wisdom
"God created human beings in a specific and colorful way that cries out in an intimate way.
This intimacy is prayer. Everyone wants intimacy.
Prayer: architecture
We all have an in-built faculty and need to be in intimate communication with God.
Prayer: words of wisdom
"We often use prayer to bribe God to change us. God rejoices in who we are. Who you are is God's greatest gift to you. Prayer is a celebration of that gift.
Prayer: logistics
I am not perfect, nor have I been walking with Christ as a disciple for that long.
But every day I take a one hour walk with Christ, to speak with Him, talk with His father, and listen for what the Holy Spirit is saying. This prayer time becomes a time where I can meet with the Lord, where my eyes can be opened up to His kingdom, and to where I can experience how real I am and how real God is. There is something in my fabric that cries out to God, and if I do not do this exercise, I will dies. It does not matter how much money, how much gum, how many toys, or how many bishops that love us. If I do not water the plant, I will die. By opening myself up to Jesus, every day, I open myself up to the Father, and the Spirit, and they begin to change me.