The glorified Christ

We all want a good story. We all grew up sorrounded by stories. I did.
I never knew how much the culture of Greek intellectualism, and Stoic scholasticism was at the very heart of the University system. I simply assumed that I was weird in my pursuit of experiential knowledge, my pursuit of wisdom, and my pursuit of God.
The Western church has inherited this overly drenched rationalistic Hellenism.
Augstine got it started. I love Augustine, but he certainly made an impact on the importance of the mind in the Christian life.
And I agree. The mind is vital.
But--what about the imagination. The mind must include the willingness to dream.
That is what Icon work is all about. We use our imaginations to invision God.
Here is an idea of one.
This image evokes a deeper gut response. Words cannot capture it.
And this is in fact our natural response to the saving work of Christ.
It is not intellectual, it is revelatory and beneath the surface of life.