Sir Peter Paul Rubens and Giotto

There are really two reasons why I blog.
First, I like to share.
But beyond that, I want to share the evangelion-the good news that Christ has reconciled all things to himself.
Two, I want to share my own good news--the stories of my life and what I see around me
It is also an attempt to tap into the new cyber community out there.
God created us for community.
God is community--three in one.
The everlastaing owns the hills and the sea, and all the living creatures within it.
The earth is the Lord's.
Come, bow and bend low.
For though he was God, he did not consider equality with God something to grasp or hold tightly. He therefore emptied himself, taking the form of a servant, and died on a cross.
Greater love has no man, nor any God.
I am hubled by it daily, and I am humbled to be part of the very life of God.
Is nothing to boast about.
I do not boast in it.
I am simply amazed in it, by it, and because of it.
Paul says to "boast in Christ."
In these times, in America, I find that boasting in Christ must come behind and after taking delight in Christ. It is a small nuonce, but I think it is important.
An insight that God gave me today on my walk--
The changing others is another form of works righteousness.
In other words, our justification before God comes not through our name, our influnce on others, or our personal accolades.
It comes through Christ's perfect rightesousness.
His righteousness is imputed into us, onto us, and through us, joining us to the everlasting community of God.