"What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding"

I just got back from the Derek Webb show.
It was amazing.
They ended with one of my favorite songs in the world, by Elvis Costello.
"What's so funny about peace, love, and understanding?"
It reminds me of childhood.
My brother Jonathan, who I looked up to so very much, used to dance around
the house and sing that song. It was such a positive song, such a lovely son.
And the music was amazing. Tonight, Derek played with his bride, Sandra Mccracken.
It was a true joy to hear their banter, hear their hearts, hear their screaming guitars, and hear their artistic expression. Derek is one of those great Christians that does in fact, get it. He is a prophet. His bride is a great storyteller.
Sandra has a voice that can melt any hard heart. I feel like every time I hear them, I get an experience of the chore of God's heart for the world. God's heart breaks open, in weakness, for the people of the world. It is nice to hear two hearts that are less interested which camp they are in, and more interested in proclaiming the right message.
I was blessed to have the chance to have a long conversation with them, back in 2005.
While their beast friends might think this silly, for me, it was a much needed conversation. Sandra and I talked about marraige. Derek and I talked about staying faithful to both commandments, the first and second. These guys do a good job--maybe even as well as Marc Driscoll or Tim Keller--of staying within their Christian life-blood, while unleashing that blood upon the repressive world.