Tim Keller on the two kingdoms

Taken from a Sermon by Tim Keller on the Upside Down Kingdom
This is a sermon on Mark 14:43
It is the scene where Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss.
Christians love the things that are not prized by the kingdom of this world.
What is at the top of the list of the kingdom of this world?
What is at the top of the list of the values of Jesus Christ?
That is what the lingdom of God prizes.
As soon as you know and hear these two lists--you see that there is a reason why the worlds list is called the "Right Side up Kingdom."
It seems to be right.
We have heard, all our lives, that it is the survival of the strong.
So it seems right.
When you hear Jesus say that he prizes "The poor, the weak, and the marginzalized," you think--that is crazy.
Here is the important thing.
Peter knows about the kingdom of God, but when push comes to shove, Peter gets out his sword. And that is just it--we all do.
But what does Jesus say here,"The scriptures must be fulfilled."
Scriptures are this "My kingdom is not of this world. I am going to change things. I am going to put others ahead of myself."
The way the world changes things is by getting power.
But what does Jesus do?
I am going to sacrifice, serve.
I am going to overcome evil with good.
I will give up my life, my reputation.
That is how I am going to change the world.
He did it.
And, let me suggest--he has changed the world.
He has absolutely changed the world.
But it is still a very difficult to live in.
It is tough to be in his program though.
Imagine this.
You see a lady coming down the street, carying a purse.
It would be very easy to knock her over, and take her purse.
Why dont you?
The answer of the shame culture is this.
You do not because it would make you a dispicable person.
People would despise you for picking on the weak. You would despise yourself for picking on the weak.
There is no way that you can live unless people respect strength.
That approach is self regarding.
You are thinking of your honor, and your reputation.
There is a second train of thought about this.
You would imagine how hard it would be to be mugged.
You imagine how hard it would be for that person, and you start to say
"Well, if I mug her, what will happen to her?"
This is an other regarding ethic.
According to the teacher who told this story, this second ethic is only possible within an other minded ethic.
This ethic comes from Jesus. The origin of the idea is Christianity.
Then he says
"we know that the Anglo saxons, when they first heard the gospel, were incredulous, because they could not see how any society could survive, or any person could survive, that did not fear and respect strength."
So when they converted, they were far from consistent.
They merged Christianity with the kingdom of this world.
Monks and women and serfs did charity, because it was not for men of honor and action.
John Summerville, a renowned historian from the University of Florida, wrote a book with this illustration in it.
In it he did this thought experiment.
The history of anglo European north american christianity is a merger of the christian view of reality and the kingdom of this world.
In other words, we say we are on Jesus' side, but we feel like it is not right.
We think power and the sword is really real.
Next thing we know, we have our sword out.
When we say "We price and value weakness and poverty..he means.. when we see weak and poor and rejected people...we prize them...we do not throw a few bucks in the charity pot."
We do not disdain them.
We lay ourselves out.
If you lay yourself out, for people who are poor and weaping.
That will come into your life.
When you get involved with an emotionally draining person without it hampering you.
In other words, we prize the people in those conditions, and we are willing to share in those conditions with them.
Because power, success, and money, do not control us anymore.
If we understand what Jesus did for us, then we are not controlled.
In the kingdom of this world, your identity is based on status and recognition and on power.
It is your identity, and it makes you real.
You will do anything to keep your job.
You will do anything.
If you are in the kingdom of God, you know it is not going to be easy.
When weakness is around, the kingdom of God is near.
It helps you come to realize your true identity.
A Christian is free to take or leave all these things--status, money, and power.
If you are trying to save yourself, you are in for trouble.
It is not the end of the world if someone steals from me.
I do not care anymore.
Real influence and real treasure, and real power comes, when you put the treasure and interest of others ahead of yourself.
That is the way that Jesus has changed the world.
So where do you get the power to live like that?
We are told that everyone desserted him.
A young man, when he was grabbed ahold of, he ran naked through the street.
This man is a coward. The shame of running home naked is perfectly appropriate.
Some say this was Mark, and is saying that I failed him just like anyone else.
There is no one righteous, no, not one.
NT WRIGHT--- says, "This man is trying to remind us of another garden. Adam and Eve failed as well."
Wait a minute.
Something is different.
In the middle of this garden, there is a human being, that is passing the test.
If you think about it, why were these people fleeing?
They are afraid of the worlds sword.
But Jesus Christ is standing firm.
When Adam and Eve fled from the garden, they realized that something was keeping from ever coming back.
It was a sword.
It is the divine justice.
Our sins separate us from God.
There is no way back into the presence of God, unless someone takes that justice.
We were in that garden.
We ran.
Jesus was in that garden, facing the ultimate sword of God's justice and he stood firm, for me, for you.
And here is the secret.
If you see Jesus reversing places with others, caring for the poor, and forgiving his enemies and the leper being healed. And you say " I cannot do that."
You are right.
As an example Jesus will crush you.
But Jesus as a substitute, you will be saved.
If you see Jesus reversing places with YOU, and me, in the garden, see they are all going free.
He has shifted places with us.
The great reversal, is between YOU and HIM, then you have something.
He gave up the name which is above every name, you will look at your reputation differently.
You can be risky with it in the world.
You can look at your money.
You look at your wallet, you can say "This is not my real treasure."
Spending yourself for other people can be our goal.
This passage ends in a dark note. The man runs off naked.
So it is important to end on a dark note.
In Daniel 5 King Belshazer is having an orgy, and that night he will be killed by the army marching on the city.
In the middle of the party, a hand writes on the wall.
"Your days are numbered," it says.
If Jesus Christ has really come to earth, and he gave up his life, then you may be having a wonderful party, but your kingdom is crumbling.
Your days are numbered. I do not want you to just have a relationship with God.
I want you to get into the kingdom of God.
Think about what he says.
Live in that order.
It is the place of freedom.
The way to power is to serve.